Saturday, September 11, 2010


In pervious posts, I have mentioned that I was flirting with being a vegetarian. I want to do this because I love animals and just don't want to be a contributer for abuse anymore. I wanted to do this way back in elementary school but my mom always said no. Of course, what mom says goes, so I had to wait util I was an adult to make this decision.

Back in November, I was head set on not eating meat anymore and gave it up until about the middle of January when my boyfriend got me to eat a delicious steak that he prepared just for me (if you could have seen his face, you would understand). Anyway, I lost my battle with being a vegetarian. It's an incredibally hard thing to do when everyone around you is eating things like bacon and steak (which are my weaknesses).

I've been doing more research and have been occasionally getting what I like to call "veggie hits" where I'll want to not eat meat but then something comes up and I cave in.

My main reason for being a Vegetarian is because this picture is cute but this:


*Please understand that I'm in NO way whatsoever trying to sway people's opinions or preech about why it's wrong. These are all my opinions and my viewpoints on animal abuse.*

Today is day 2 of my cold turkey (no pun intended) give up of meat. It's going pretty well. The saying goes that the first 3 days are the hardest . . . Let's see if I can keep it up this time?



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