Sunday, June 6, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like christmas??

Yes, I have to say, I am sort of pathetic right now. I am CRAVING Christmas time.. sounds weird I know.. But there is nothing more I want right now than to be sitting next to my Christmas tree reading a book drinking white hot chocolate.. ooh that just sounds heavenly. I am not a fan of being cold, so it is strange that December is my favorite month && that winter is my favorite season. I just love the feeling of being able to do red glittery nails and make sugar cookies for the neighbors. Everyone has time off from school so family can spend quality time together.. It is just so great.

I get this fuzzy feeling around christmas time, I cant really describe it. I just love waking up in the morning around that time of year knowing that my family is here to love me. Also, i find that i am extremely independent during the winter months. My friends all have jobs (except moi) so i am at home a lot of the time during the day. Thats why i started baking because it passes the time and it also helps my family && friends. My family loves to try out my new cakes i come up with :)

Needless to say, I CANNOT wait for this next holiday season. I will be turning 20 on December 31st! woah! and i will be 1/3 of the way done with beauty school!! crazy i know! teddy will be 8 months old . . . they grow up soo fast ;)


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