Saturday, October 23, 2010


Wow. Seriously?! I've neglected my poor little blog. I feel bad :( I love blogging, so I have had some serious issues without it. Anyway, I do have a legitiment reason as to why I haven't blogged in a while. As you may know, Jeremiah moved back. In the past month we have moved out of my parents house (which is more difficult than it sounds). So now we have a cute little appartment downtown which is conviently located near his job and my job.

I got one yesterday (yey).

I went to an interview for one daycare and was talking to a worker there and she told me that she was gonna be leaving for a daycare I had perviously worked for. So I texted the owner who I used to work with and she offered me a job. I start next friday :)

It has been so nice having Jeremaih really in my life again. I've missed him. He's so good to me. Look what he got me!


His name is Delano after Frankli Delano Roosevelt (I'm a history buff) and I love him. Before I get any further, Teddy is staying with my mom. Jeremiahs dog doesn't do cats so he's gonna stay there.

He was 8 weeks old when this picture was taken. Now he's 11 weeks and getting to be a chunk. He has learned to sit and he's knows 'no' but he doesn't think that everything he does is wrong like biting and stuff. Oh well. He's just a puppy. Hopefully he will get it :).

Also, Jere has bought me a truck! It's a Dodge Ram (2001) and I l.o.v.e it! Horrible gas milage but I've always wanted a truck and I'm glad I've got one. All thanks to my man.

That's about it. I wish I had more to say but I've really just been looking for jobs and staying at home with the dogs (Jeremiah has a 5 year old German Shepard).

Right now I'm babysitting a 2 year old and he's just in his room playing. Joy. I wish he would fall alseep soon. It makes me feel better when things work out my way. Haha, don't we all wish for that?

xoxo, Bre

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